• Research blog
Wednesday, 21. August 2024

Attitudes of the general population and mental health practitioners towards blended therapy in Austria

Recent publication


The Research Centre Transitional Psychiatry has published an evaluation of the acceptance of ‘blended therapy’ for mental health problems in The Central European Journal of Medicine. ‘Blended therapy’ means that online content is used in addition to face-to-face therapy. The researchers conducted an online survey of general practitioners and the general population. Combined face-to-face and online therapy is a promising option to provide adequate care for the growing number of people with mental health problems, especially in rural areas where therapy services are scarce. Acceptance of the combination therapy among doctors and patients is crucial for success. The results of the evaluation are freely accessible thanks to KL's open access funding.

Mittmann, G, Steiner-Hofbauer, V & Schrank, B 2024, 'Attitudes of the general population and mental health practitioners towards blended therapy in Austria', Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift. The Central European Journal of Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00508-024-02391-9

Dr. Gloria Mittmann MSc

Dr. Gloria Mittmann MSc

Scientific Staff (PostDoc)
Research Centre Transitional Psychiatry

Mag. Dr. Verena Steiner-Hofbauer

Mag. Dr. Verena Steiner-Hofbauer

Head of
Research Centre Transitional Psychiatry

OÄ PD Dr. Beate Schrank MSc PhD

OÄ PD Dr. Beate Schrank MSc PhD

(on leave), Head of
Research Centre Transitional Psychiatry, Division of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine (University Hospital Tulln)