• Research blog
Wednesday, 28. August 2024

Heat vulnerability

Health impacts of heat on older people in urban and rural areas in Europe

Recent publication


Alter(n)sforscherin mit ein. 

In an article published in The Central European Journal of Medicine, researchers from different disciplines discuss the complex interactions between an ageing population, heat-related health burdens and the frequency of hot days in rural and urban areas. The scientists point out that older people are particularly sensitive to heat and have fewer strategies for coping with it. The paper lists and explains the reasons for this. Assistant professor Dr Vera Gallistl-Kassing, BA MA, Post Doc at the Division of Gerontology and Health Research, contributes her expertise as a researcher on age(ing).

Fastl, C, Arnberger, A, Gallistl, V, Stein, VK & Dorner, TE 2024, 'Heat vulnerability: health impacts of heat on older people in urban and rural areas in Europe', Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift. The Central European Journal of Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00508-024-02419-0

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Vera Gallistl-Kassing BA MA

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Vera Gallistl-Kassing BA MA

Scientific Staff (PostDoc)
Division of Gerontology and Health Research

Vera Gallistl, Sociologist

Research on age(ing) – still in its infancy

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