Molekulare Onkologie und Hämatologie


The close interactions between basic researchers and physicians together with a translational medicine approach are imperative prerequisites for clinical relevant innovations in Oncology and Hematology.


In basic research, the Division of Molecular Oncology and Hematology seeks to: (1) decipher molecular processes that contribute to the development and progression of hematologic (e.g., multiple myeloma, myeloproliferative disorders) and solid (e.g., breast cancer, genitourinary carcinomas) malignancies within the tumor microenvironment; (2) to identify novel biomarkers; and (3) to preclinically develop and evaluate novel agents and therapeutic strategies.

  • the pathophysiological role of AP-1 family transcription factors in multiple myeloma (Fan et al., Leukemia 2017 and Leukemia 2021) and breast carcinoma.
  • the pathophysiological role of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member Mcl-1 (Bashari et al. Breast Cancer Res 2016; Vallet et al, Breast Cancer Res Treat 2019).
  • approaches to therapeutically reactivate the tumor-associated immune system.
  • targeted degradation of tumor-associated proteins
  • identifying molecular mechanisms that contribute to tumor-associated bone disease (Vallet et al, PLoS One 2016).


In addition to basic research projects, the group contributes to clinical trials, which investigate novel treatment regimens for induction and maintenance as well as relapsed/ refractory patients, in multiple myeloma and urothelial carcinoma in particular. For example, we recently contributed to a study demonstrating the anti-myeloma activity of the first-in-class selective nucleus export inhibitor (SINE), selinexor, which led to the approval of this agent in combination with dexamethasone for patients with refractory triple myeloma (Chari et al., N Engl J Med, 2019).

  • A phase 3 Study of Elranatamab (PF-06863135) Monotherapy and Elranatamab + Daratumumab Versus Daratumumab + Pomalidomide + Dexamethasone in Participants With Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma (MAGNETISMM-5) (Ongoing)
  • A randomized phase 3 non-inferiority trial assessing lenalidomide, bortezomib and dexamethasone induction therapy with either intravenous or subcutaneous isatuximab in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (GMMG-HD8 / DSMM-XIX IITTrial)
  • Phase 3 Study of Teclistamab in Combination with Lenalidomide versus Lenalidomide Alone in Participants with Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma as Maintenance Therapy Following Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation (MajesTEC-4)
  • CA017078: A randomized phase 3 study of neoadjuvant chemotherapy as monotherapy vs. neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus nivolumab or nivolumab and BMS-986205 followed by continued postoperative therapy with nivolumab or nivolumab and BMS-986205 in patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer (Closed)
  • VOLGA (active, recruiting): 
    A randomized phase 3 study of perioperative therapy with durvalumab in combination with tremelimumab and enfortumab vedotin or durvalumab in combination with enfortumab vedotin in patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer who are not suitable for cisplatin or refuse cisplatin.
  • EVOPAR-Prostate01 (Planned start July 2024):
    A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 study of saruparib (AZD5305) in combination with an anti-hormonally active drug in patients with metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer.
  • many more in preparation
  • Myeloma study:
    Short title: AGMT_MM-2
    Title: A randomized Phase II, 2-armed study in transplant ineligible patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (NDMM) comparing Carfilzomib + Thalidomide + dexamethasone (KTd) versus Carfilzomib + Lenalidomide + dexamethasone (KRd) induction therapy with respect to response rates and investigating a Carfilzomib (K) monotherapy maintenance strategy
    • Status: active, not recruiting
    • Start: April 2017 (in Austria)
    • Coordinating Investigator: Univ. Prof. Dr. Heinz Ludwig
    • EudraCT Nummer: 2016-000475-24
    • ClinicalTrialsID: NCT02891811
    • Number of patients: 146 (international)
    • Sponsor: AGMT gemeinnützige GmbH
    • A randomized Phase II, 2-armed study in transplant ineligible patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (NDMM) comparing Carfilzomib + Thalidomide + dexamethasone (KTd) versus Carfilzomib + Lenalidomide + dexamethasone (KRd) induction therapy with respect to response rates and investigating a Carfilzomib (K) monotherapy maintenance strategy
    • AGMT
    • Klinische Abteilung für Innere Medizin 2
    • Klinische Abteilung für Urologie

If you or your physician are interested in these studies, please write to or

Research projects of the Division of Molecular Oncology & Hematology

The Division of Molecular Oncology & Hematology was founded in October 2022 and replaced the former scientific working group Molecular Hematology & Oncology. Some of the projects mentioned are therefore still assigned to the scientific working group.

Please visit our research information system KRIS for a comprehensive overview. Below you will find an excerpt of projects.

  • Division of Pharmacology
  • Division of Internal Medicine 2 (University Hospital Krems)
  • Molecular Oncology / Hematology
  • Molecular Oncology / Hematology
  • Division of Internal Medicine 2 (University Hospital Krems)

Als Pilotprojekt der APOG-NÖ wird sich eine Arbeitsgruppe etablieren, die sich mit der Rolle von Transkriptionsfaktoren, Konvergenzpunkten onkologischer Signaltransduktionswege, bei der Entstehung, dem Voranschreiten, und der Therapieresistenz von Tumorerkrankungen am Beispiel der Akuten Myeloischen Leukämie (AML) und des Multiplen Myeloms (MM) befasst. Ultimatives Ziel ist die davon abgeleitete Entwicklung neuer Diagnostika, Prognostika und Therapeutika. Mit diesem Pilotprojekt der APOG-NÖ soll der Grundstein zur translationalen onkologischen Forschung in NÖ gelegt werden. Zukunftsvision ist die Etablierung weiterer APOG-NÖ Schwerpunktprogramme (z.B. Strukturelle und Funktionelle Genomforschung, Tumorimmunologie, Angewandte Zellbiologie), die eng vernetzt auch alle anderen Tumorentitäten abdecken sollen. Ultimatives Ziel ist der Aufbau eines national und langfristig gesehen, international renommierten, onkologischen Spitzenzentrums in NÖ. Einhergehend mit dieser Entwicklung wird APOG-NÖ dazu beitragen, die Attraktivität des Forschungsstandorts NÖ als Lehr- und Arbeitsstätte für zukünftige Ärzte/ Onkologen, Hämatologen und Wissenschaftler zu steigern und sich gleichzeitig als hochwertiger Innovations- und Wirtschaftsstandort der stetig wachsenden biopharmazeutischen Industrie zu positionieren.

  • Molecular Oncology / Hematology
  • Division of Internal Medicine 2 (University Hospital Krems)
  • Division of Pharmacology