• Research blog
Wednesday, 10. July 2024

Scientific Writing

How to write grant applications

Science Skills Serives - Further training for researchers of the University Hospitals of KL


Webinar on Thursday, 21 November 2024 from 3 - 7 p.m. including interactive elements

Course instructor:
Samia Geldner, BA MA MBA

Samia Geldner is an MBA graduate and Stanford alumna in education, a business lecturer and English language expert, and a freelance editor and translator with perfect German and English language skills. She studied at the American College of Switzerland, Standford University and Webster Vienna Private University. After gaining experience as a lecturer and faculty leader at Webster Vienna Private University, among others, she now works as a freelance proofreader, lecturer, trainer and editor.

Following the webinar, participants have the opportunity to take advantage of individual online coaching for their own project proposal, publication, etc. for a maximum of 2 sessions. Appointments can be made directly with the lecturer. The Research Management Unit must be informed in advance so that the costs for the coaching can be covered.


The objective of this proposal writing training course is to teach you how to write a winning proposal. Since effective proposals must act both as an application and an advertisement, your document must be persuasive, interesting, and easy to read. Accordingly, this seminar will focus on the language skills required to demonstrate clear objectives, specific time frames, reasonable budget requests and doable deliverabables.

The seminar will be divided into three, three hour sessions (including breaks).  The first session will be primarily an input session, focusing on theory, demonstrated through examples. The second will help you put theory into practice. During this session, you will have the opportunity to work on your own proposals, with guidance from your colleagues and the seminar leader. The final session will then be dedicated to concrete, shared, feedback on your proposals.

Information & registration on OpenCampus, the KL intranet

The employees of the University Hospitals of St. Pölten, Krems and Tulln are registered on OpenCampus with their official e-mail addresses (vorname.nachname@standort.lknoe.at). When logging in for the first time, a personal password can be set using the "Forgotten password" function. Please click on the button "Register for staff development programme at KL" (one-time). From this point on, courses can be booked at any time.

KL's Research Management Unit offers its researchers support:

  • Proposal Check by the Research Service Team - Does the funding proposal match the call and do the formal criteria fulfil? 
  • Proposal check by an external trainer (limited contingent, focus on structure and language): If you are interested, please contact the Research Management Unit with your prepared proposal
  • Research handbook: annotated collection of links as a reference work for researchers and students ("Guidelines, Tools & Tips")
  • Guidelines for integrating the gender dimension in research: text modules and assistance in taking gender aspects into account in the project

Further training as part of the Science Skills Services

  • Webinar Effective project proposals through research project management, Tuesday, 30 April 2024, 3 p.m., register
  • Webinar Scientific Writing with a focus on writing project and funding applications, Thursday, 25 April 2024, 3 p.m., register
  • Webinar Use of AI tools for funding acquisition, recording, if you are interested, please contact the Research Management Unit team

Further helpful tutorials, recordings and webinars