• Research blog
Tuesday, 27. August 2024

Dual therapeutic targeting of MYC and JUNB transcriptional programs for enhanced anti-myeloma activity

Recent publication


The Divisions of Pharmacology, Molecular Oncology and Haematology and the Division of Internal Medicine 2 at the University Hospital Krems are working together on strategies to fight cancer. Their basic research contributes significantly to both a deeper understanding of cellular mechanisms and the development of new treatment strategies. How does the immune system react to malignant cells and how do cancer cells evade immune control?  In a recent study published in the Blood Cancer Journal, the research group highlights the essential role of the transcription factors MYC and JUNB in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma. Specifically, they showed that MYC and JUNB control two distinct transcriptional programmes. Using in vitro models, the researchers showed that these transcriptional cascades are independent of each other. While JUNB is not affected when MYC is downregulated, MYC is not affected by JUNB knockout. This breakthrough opens up new promising therapeutic approaches for patients with multiple myeloma by combining two targeted therapies effectively and synergistically. 

Lind, J, Aksoy, O, Prchal-Murphy, M, Fan, F, Fulciniti, M, Stoiber, D, Bakiri, L, Wagner, EF, Zwickl-Traxler, E, Sattler, M, Kollmann, K, Vallet, S & Podar, K 2024, 'Dual therapeutic targeting of MYC and JUNB transcriptional programs for enhanced anti-myeloma activity', Blood Cancer Journal, vol. 14, no. 1, 138. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41408-024-01117-4

Dr. Osman Aksoy

Dr. Osman Aksoy

Scientific Staff (PostDoc)
Division of Molecular Oncology and Hematology

Univ.-Prof. PD MMag. Dr. Dagmar Stoiber-Sakaguchi

Univ.-Prof. PD MMag. Dr. Dagmar Stoiber-Sakaguchi

Head of
Division of Pharmacology

Mag. Elisabeth Zwickl-Traxler

Scientific Staff (PreDoc)
Division of Internal Medicine 2 (University Hospital Krems)

OÄ PD Dr. Sonia Vallet

Division of Molecular Oncology and Hematology, Division of Internal Medicine 2 (University Hospital Krems)

OA Univ.-Prof. Mag. DDr. Klaus Podar

OA Univ.-Prof. Mag. DDr. Klaus Podar

Head of
Division of Molecular Oncology and Hematology, Division of Internal Medicine 2 (University Hospital Krems)

Dagmar Stoiber-Sakaguchi, Microbiologist and Pharmacologist

Investigating haematopoietic and solid tumours

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Sonia Vallet, Oncologist

A Passion for Hospital and Laboratory

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