• Research blog
Monday, 19. August 2024

Diagnose Glioblastom und das Geschäft mit der Hoffnung

Ein ethisches Spannungsfeld in der Neuroonkologie.

Recent publication


A multidisciplinary group of experts from KL Krems addressed the topic of ‘alternative medical methods’ for patients with serious illnesses. Using the example of glioblastoma, they explain the possibilities of specialised neuro-oncological centres that provide patients with interdisciplinary care based on current guidelines and the latest in-depth knowledge regarding diagnostics and therapy. At the same time, the scientists discuss why this patient group also resorts to alternative medical methods, what motives and dangers are associated with this and how this phenomenon could be countered. They conduct this ethical discourse using the example of gliablastoma and underpin their paper with case studies, whereby the proposed solutions are transferable to other vulnerable groups. The article in the journal 'psychopraxis.neuropraxis' is freely available to all thanks to KL's Open Access funding.

Oberndorfer, S, Rubeis, G, Kreye, G, Nikolic, K & Calabek-Wohinz, B 2024, 'Diagnose Glioblastom und das Geschäft mit der Hoffnung: Ein ethisches Spannungsfeld in der Neuroonkologie', psychopraxis. neuropraxis. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00739-024-01011-5

Prim. Assoc. Prof. PD Dr. Stefan Oberndorfer FEAN

Division of Neurology (University Hospital St. Pölten)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Giovanni Rubeis

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Giovanni Rubeis

Head of
Division of Biomedical and Public Health Ethics

Stefan Oberndorfer, Neurologist

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Giovanni Rubeis, Medical Ethicist and Philosopher

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