• Research blog
Monday, 27. November 2023

David V procedure and hemiarch replacement

... in a patient with Loeys-Dietz-Syndrome and beta thalassemia minor: a case report

Recent publication

In the Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, doctors from the Division of Cardiac Surgery at the University Hospital St. Pölten, report on the surgery of a European woman with multiple aneurysms, aortic valve insufficiency, Loeys-Dietz syndrome and beta-thalassemia. The procedure to reconstruct the aortic root and replace the semilunar arch was performed under circulatory arrest and at hypothermia. In the case report, the researchers discuss the use of cooling in this particular operation. The publication is open access.

Kainz F-M, Freystaetter K, Podesser BK, Holzinger C. David V procedure and hemiarch replacement in a patient with Loeys-Dietz-Syndrome and beta thalassemia minor: a case report. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery. 2023 Aug 27;18(1):253. doi: 10.1186/s13019-023-02347-6