• Research blog
Tuesday, 29. August 2023

The assessment of dysphagia after stroke

State of the art and future directions


Recent publication

Dysphagia which means Swallowing difficulties is a common and serious consequence after a stroke. If left untreated, they can lead to malnutrition and thus have a negative impact on the rehabilitation process and mortality rates. Persistent swallowing difficulties lead to greater dependence and increase the risk of depression. A team of authors with the assistance of PhDr Michaela Trapl-Grundschober, MSc has dealt with the pathophysiology of swallowing disorders in a review article and listed the various diagnostic methods. Early and detailed diagnosis is essential for targeted therapy. The detailed explanations were published in The Lancet Neurology. Michaela Trapl-Grundschober works at the Clinical Division of Neurology at the University Hospital Tulln and conducts research as part of a Research-Time-Out funded by the research funding programme "Forschungsimpulse".

Labeit B, Michou E, Hamdy S, Trapl-Grundschober M, Suntrup-Krueger S, Muhle P et al. The assessment of dysphagia after stroke: state of the art and future directions. The Lancet Neurology. 2023 Sept;22(9):858-870. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(23)00153-9