• Research blog
Monday, 27. May 2024

Addressing the Black Box of AI

A Model and Research Agenda on the Co-Constitution of Aging and Artificial Intelligence.

Recent publication


Dr Vera Gallistl, BA MA from the Division of Gerontology, is the lead author of an article in "The Gerontologist" that critically discusses the use of AI in gerontology. Researchers from a range of institutions argue that important aspects of AI in gerontology will be lost if AI is treated as a black box. They call for a co-constitutive approach to ageing and AI to ensure a broader discussion of AI in gerontology.


Gallistl, V, Banday, MUL, Berridge, C, Grigorovich, A, Jarke, J, Mannheim, I, Marshall, B, Martin, W, Moreira, T, Van Leersum, CM & Peine, A 2024, 'Addressing the Black Box of AI - A Model and Research Agenda on the Co-Constitution of Aging and Artificial Intelligence', The Gerontologist. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnae039

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Vera Gallistl-Kassing BA MA

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Vera Gallistl-Kassing BA MA

Scientific Staff (PostDoc)
Division of Gerontology and Health Research

Vera Gallistl, Sociologist

Research on age(ing) – still in its infancy

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