Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Fachbereich Wasserqualität und Gesundheit

Mission Statement

Research activities focus on the development and application of new diagnostic methods for the detection, hazard and risk analysis of health-relevant microorganisms and pathogens in natural and technical water systems (e.g. drinking water supply, bathing water, wastewater).

The Division of Water Quality and Health, headed by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Farnleitner, was founded in 2017 and is part of the Inter-University Cooperation Centre Water and Health (ICC Water & Health). On the one hand, projects are carried out in the field of basic research and, on the other hand, applied projects as a service for the public sector (e.g. health authorities) and the water industry. All research work is carried out in close cooperation/coordination with the ICC Water & Health partners. Like all research groups of the ICC Water & Health, the Division is also strongly networked at the international level in expert organizations and with research institutions.


Activity Report of the Inter-University Cooperation Centre Water and Health

Main research areas

Development and evaluation of diagnostics of health-relevant microorganisms

  • Microbiological indicators and genetic (faecal) biomarkers for water quality analysis
  • Selected waterborne pathogens (incl. their antibiotic resistance)

Occurrence and biology of health-relevant microorganisms

  • Microbial ecology of indicators and (emerging) pathogens
  • Waterborne microorganisms, microbiome and biological stability of water

Aanalysis and management of safe water use (in special realization with MedUni Vienna & TU Vienna)

  • Abundance, spread and persistence of indicators and pathogens in water resources (incl. model development)
  • Disinfection processes (with special consideration of UV technology)
  • Risk modelling (infection & disease risks, defined health targets)