Mosche Ben Maimon


Please visit our research information system KRIS for a comprehensive overview. Below you will find an excerpt of projects.

Mosche ben Maimon (1135-1204)

Psychological and psychodynamic aspects of religious experience in the frame of reference of the Abrahamic religions and "Maimonides Lectures". Part 2

  • Division of Psychodynamics
Mosche ben Maimon (1135-1204)

Psychological and psychodynamic aspects of religious experience in the frame of reference of the Abrahamic religions and "Maimonides Lectures". Part 1

  • Division of Psychodynamics

Embodied experience - Current Perspectives of Scientific-Philosophical and Empirical Research on the Basic Concepts and Assumptions of Psychoanalytic Object Relations Theory

  • Division of Psychodynamics

Freud, Lipps and the Problem of Empathy

  • Division of Psychodynamics

The irreducibility of subjective experience

  • Division of Psychodynamics