Qualitätsmanagement - Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität Krems


The state of Lower Austria is funding research into the question of whether smartphones can influence our relationships, online dating and sexuality. 

Thank you for your interest!

The maximum number of participants has already been reached and the survey has been closed.
The results will be published on this page in the coming months.

Data collection

The couple study investigated whether prolonged mobile phone use can lead to alienation between partners and whether people who use their mobile phones frequently experience their partnership as less satisfying than people who use their mobile phones less. Further, it was investigated whether low connectedness  negatively impacts sexuality. In order to investigate these associations, both partners participated  in the online study over a period of 4 weeks . Their mobile phone use, relationship and sexuality were regularly recorded. In addition, differences in personality were assessed and examined to test how they influenced the results.

The singles study investigated whether prolonged mobile phone use tends to interfere with or promote dating. Many people use dating apps on their mobile phones - the researchers wanted to find out whether they are really helpful in finding a partner and how much of a burden the search for a partner is. 
Previous studies have shown that people are having less sex; the study was investigating the extent to which those affected find this annoying or whether they are perhaps very satisfied with the situation. In order to investigate these associations, singles were asked to provide information about their dating behaviour, sexuality and satisfaction on a weekly basis for a period of 6 weeks. In addition, differences in personality were recorded in order to find out how they influenced the results.

The study was conducted by a research team from the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (project leader: Dr Juliane Burghardt).