Monday, 17. June 2024

Standing ovations at the KL Choir's charity concert in favour of the "Chioma Austrian Hospital" project

On Thursday, 13 June 2024, the KL Choir held its annual summer concert. With a brilliant mix of musical classics from the 1970s to the hits of recent years, the students delighted around 80 guests. The proceeds from the obligatory spritzer stand were once again donated in full to the "Chioma Austrian Hospital" project.

Do good - and sing for it! That could be the motto of the KL Choir. This is the third time that the young artists have organised a benefit concert to raise funds for the "Chioma Austrian Hospital" initiative: with the vision of "being able to guarantee basic medical care for everyone in the Nigerian community of Umuakagu by 2026 at the latest", project initiator Father Paulinus Kelechi Anyanwu, together with project manager Günther Schwaiger and his deputy Manfred Rohrböck, has set himself the goal of expanding a hospital and the necessary infrastructure. The project is named after Father Paulinus' sister: Chioma died in 2012 at the age of just 32 from a treatable infection due to a lack of medical care.

"Karl Landsteiner University has been supporting our project for over two years now," said a delighted Dr Günther Schwaiger about the successful collaboration with the health university in Krems. "Both the Rectorate and employees such as Professor Hanna Mayer, Head of the Division Nursing Science, as well as the KL ÖH, the students and especially the members of the choir share our commitment to this important project."

However, the university and its students want to support the project in the future not only through fundraising campaigns, but also very specifically on site in Nigeria: Among other things, support is planned for the training of local nursing staff and the implementation of the "Community Nursing" system. "I can imagine that this can be implemented for the first time in the winter semester 2025/2026," summarised Schwaiger.

Fr Paulinus expressed his gratitude for the warmth and openness: "I can feel the love and enthusiasm that the university and its students have shown me and the project," said the project initiator. "That really fulfils me."

Rector Rudolf Mallinger congratulated the KL Choir on their performance: "I am proud that our students are committed to this initiative and are putting their heart and soul into it," said the Rector. "The musical repertoire of our KL Choir is getting bigger and more diverse every time and attracts audiences of different age groups accordingly. As a result, the circle of potential donors continues to expand."

Since autumn 2023, the "Chioma Austrian Hospital" association has been a beneficiary of donations in accordance with Section 4a para. 2 no. 3 lit. a to c of the Income Tax Act (notification from the Austrian tax office, registration number SO 20588). This means that donations to the organisation are tax-deductible. Please state your name and date of birth when donating, then the donor will be reported directly to the tax office.

You can also find more information about the project at or at on Facebook and Linkedin.