• Research blog
Tuesday, 09. July 2024

Seed Funding and Research Time Out

How to successfully apply

Science Skills Services | Further training for researchers employed at the University Hospitals of KL


Webinar with Mag Dr Doris Ripper on Tuesday, 24 September 2024, 3 - 4 pm

Course content:

  • In this practice-oriented webinar, researchers from the University Hospitals Krems, St. Pölten and Tulln will receive an overview of the two funding programmes Research Time Out (RTO) and Seed Funding (SF) at KL.
  • Presentation of the two funding programmes and their focus
  • Clarification of requirements and criteria for a successful application
  • Information about the submission process via OpenCampus
  • Brief overview of the process after successful application
  • Opportunity to clarify open questions
Information & registration on OpenCampus, the KL intranet

The employees of the University Hospitals of St. Pölten, Krems and Tulln are registered on OpenCampus with their official e-mail addresses (vorname.nachname@standort.lknoe.at). When logging in for the first time, a personal password can be set using the "Forgotten password" function. Please click on the button "Register for staff development programme at KL" (one-time). From this point on, courses can be booked at any time.

Contacs for the course organisation and the contents

MMag. Sabine Brandstetter Bakk

MMag. Sabine Brandstetter Bakk

Research Management Unit

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Mag. Dr. Doris Ripper

Mag. Dr. Doris Ripper

Research Management Unit

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