• Research blog
Tuesday, 05. September 2023

Performance of bacterial and mitochondrial qPCR source tracking methods

A European multi-center study


Recent publication

Today, molecular biological test methods are used to monitor the pollution of faecal waste, wastewater, and water bodies and to detect sources of contamination. In a multicentre European study, 77 samples from nine different test methods for detecting bacterial or mitochondrial residues were compared in terms of their specificity and sensitivity. Five countries participated in the study, which was funded by a European project grant. Austria is represented by the TU Vienna and the KL Krems with the Division of Water Quality and Health.

Monteiro S, Machado-Moreira B, Linke R, Blanch AR, Ballesté E, Méndez J et al. Performance of bacterial and mitochondrial qPCR source tracking methods: A European multi-center study. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 2023 Aug;253:114241. 114241. Epub 2023 Aug 21. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2023.114241

Univ.-Prof. PD Dr. Andreas Farnleitner MSc

Univ.-Prof. PD Dr. Andreas Farnleitner MSc

Head of
Division of Water Quality and Health