• Research blog
Wednesday, 26. June 2024

PeerConnect Research Colloquium

Online networking event for scientific staff at the KL University Hospitals

Event tip | Science Skills Services

Scientists from the university hospitals can present their current research results and projects and discuss them with colleagues. The aim of the colloquium is to promote scientific exchange, receive feedback from colleagues and jointly develop solutions to scientific questions. The research colloquium is therefore an important platform for the exchange of ideas, for networking within the scientific community and for the promotion of research.


  • Presentation of the project, hypotheses, methods and/or preliminary results
  • Interdisciplinary discussion to improve quality and to develop possible helpful hints for further development.

Each participant has approx. 10 minutes to present their work. It is not necessary to present finished results, but rather the current status of the project with its questions and challenges. As regular meetings are planned, progress and further approaches can be presented and discussed, comparable to a doctoral semina

The research colloquium will take place online on Monday, 30 September 2024 at 3 pm. We ask for binding registration via OpenCampus

Information & registration on OpenCampus, the KL intranet

The employees of the University Hospitals of St. Pölten, Krems and Tulln are registered on OpenCampus with their official e-mail addresses (vorname.nachname@standort.lknoe.at). When logging in for the first time, a personal password can be set using the "Forgotten password" function. Please click on the button "Register for staff development programme at KL" (one-time). From this point on, courses can be booked at any time.


MMag. Sabine Brandstetter Bakk

MMag. Sabine Brandstetter Bakk

Research Management Unit

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Dr. Oliver Friedrich

Dr. Oliver Friedrich

Research Management Unit

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Mag. Dr. Doris Ripper

Mag. Dr. Doris Ripper

Research Management Unit

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