• Research blog
Wednesday, 12. June 2024

Literature research for writing reviews

Event tip - Furth training as part of the Science Skills Services

Webinar on Tuesday, 17 September 2024 from 3 - 6 pm. The training is free of charge for scientific staff at the KL University Hospitals, registration is via OpenCampus.


  • Development of a search strategy for the identification of literature relevant for systematic
    relevant literature for systematic reviews
  • Development of search queries for the literature search (search syntax)
  • Overview of various sources (databases, search portals, catalogues, bibliographies, etc.) for research and their use
  • Description of literature sources and preparations for content analysis and evaluation (saving source information, analysing abstracts, evaluating full-text publications, analysing references)

Information & registration on OpenCampus, the KL intranet

Employees of the University Hospitals St. Pölten, Krems and Tulln are registered on OpenCampus with their official e-mail addresses (vorname.nachname@standort.lknoe.at). When logging in for the first time, a personal password can be set using the "Forgot password" function. Please click on the button "Register for the personnel development programme at KL" (once). From then on you can book courses at any time.

The lecturer and contact person for content-related questions is Markus Heindl, MA, the course is organised by the Research Management Unit.

MMag. Sabine Brandstetter Bakk

MMag. Sabine Brandstetter Bakk

Research Management Unit