• Research blog
Wednesday, 13. September 2023

Impact of maternally derived meiotic aneuploidies on early embryonic development in vitro

Recent publication

Dr Lena Tschare published a retrospective study on the influence of maternal chromosomal abnormalities on embryonic in vitro development. In aneuploidy, a chromosome is not present as a pair, but in a deviating number. Aneuploidy occurs more frequently with increasing maternal age and can be tested by a polar body biopsy before implantation. The results of polar body biopsy of 930 oocytes from a total of 151 women were associated with the morphological development of the embryos. The study appeared in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. Dr Tschare successfully completed her medical studies at the Karl Landsteiner University for Health Sciences and works as an assistant physician at the KL University Hospital in St. Pölten.

Tschare L, Ennemoser A, Carli L, Vaccari E, Feichtinger M. Impact of maternally derived meiotic aneuploidies on early embryonic development in vitro. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2023 Aug 26. Epub 2023 Aug 26. doi: 10.1007/s10815-023-02922-9