• Research blog
Thursday, 28. September 2023

The impact of gender on the self-confidence

... of practical and surgical skills among OBGYN residents: a trinational survey


Recent publication

The specialist societies for gynaecology and obstetrics of Austria, Germany and Switzerland conducted an online survey on the differences in self-confidence in their own surgical and practical skills among assistant doctors. Tulln University Hospital also took part in the survey. The results provide a basis for improving and strengthening the training of female doctors.

Meister T, Foessleitner P, Breuer G, Winder FM, Favero M, Friemann M et al. The impact of gender on the self-confidence of practical and surgical skills among OBGYN residents: a trinational survey. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2023 Sept 11. Epub 2023 Sept 11. doi: 10.1007/s00404-023-07202-6