• Research blog
Tuesday, 11. June 2024

Ethical implications of blockchain technology in biomedical research

Recent publication


In the article ‘Ethical aspects of blockchain technologies in biomedical research’ in the journal ‘Ethics in Medicine’, Prof. Dr Giovanni Rubeis writes about the challenge between the use of big medical data for progress and for the development of personalised approaches in medicine on one hand and the need for data protection and the guarantee of personal rights pon the other hand. Although he sees the use of blockchain technologies as a possibility, it does not go far enough and therefore points to the need for additional ‘enablers’ and mentions innovative models for consent, data ownership and regulation. The article is freely accessible to everyone thanks to KL's open access funding.

Rubeis, G 2024, 'Ethical implications of blockchain technology in biomedical research', Ethik in der Medizin. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00481-024-00805-w

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Giovanni Rubeis

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Giovanni Rubeis

Head of
Division of Biomedical and Public Health Ethics

Giovanni Rubeis, Medical Ethicist and Philosopher

Medical ethics: Exploring current issues in real time

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