• Research blog
Tuesday, 04. June 2024

Effective project applications through research project management

Optimisation of application processes through the use of project management approaches

Science Skills Services | Further training for researchers

Webinar with Afitap Derya Köprülü-Rössl, PhD on Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 3 pm - 16:30 pm


  • Strategic direction of the project proposal
  • Organisational framework
  • Procedures and peculiarities of KL

Afitap Derya Köprülü-Rössl, PhD, zJPM

  • Studied biology at the University of Vienna
  • Doctorate in Immunology at the Medical University of Vienna
  • Certified Junior Project Manager - IPMA
  • Approx. 9 years experience in research project management
  • Member of the Research Unit at KL

Registration for the webinar is available via OpenCampus. 

Information & registration on OpenCampus, the KL intranet

The employees of the University Hospitals of St. Pölten, Krems and Tulln are registered on OpenCampus with their official e-mail addresses (vorname.nachname@standort.lknoe.at). When logging in for the first time, a personal password can be set using the "Forgotten password" function. Please click on the button "Register for staff development programme at KL" (one-time). From this point on, courses can be booked at any time.

Contacs for the course organisation and the contents

MMag. Sabine Brandstetter Bakk

MMag. Sabine Brandstetter Bakk

Research Management Unit

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Mag. Afitap Derya Köprülü-Rössl PhD

Mag. Afitap Derya Köprülü-Rössl PhD

Member of Committee for Gender Equality and the Advancement
Research Management Unit

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