Extension of reconceptualised uncertainty in disease theory

  • Duration: 2020-2022
  • PhD student: Jasmin Eppel-Meichlinger, BScN, MSc
  • Supervisors: Univ. Prof. Dr. Hanna Mayer, Prof. Dr. Andrea Kobleder
  • Funding: Swiss Nursing Science Foundation

Background: Illness-related uncertainty is often attributed a negative meaning by those affected and is associated with increased symptoms, emotional distress, a feeling of loss of control and reduced quality of life. Using the Reconceptualised Uncertainty in Illness Theory (1990), theorist Merle Mishel has described the change in this subjective meaning over time in people with a chronic illness. According to the theory, the perception of uncertainty as a danger in the acute stage of illness develops into an opportunity in the chronic course of illness. What causes this development, how it takes place and what influences it is not clear from the theory, as the description of the meaning and constructs of the theoretical terms are vaguely formulated and the logic and relationships between them remain unclear. This can influence the explanatory value and applicability of the theory in practice, teaching, research and theory development.

Objectives: The overall aim of the dissertation is to fill the gaps of the Reconceptualized Uncertainty in Illness Theory in order to revise and extend it. To do this, clear definitions of theoretical terms, a substantive description of the phenomenon over time, and a theoretical model will be developed to logically represent concepts and relationships. This should help to increase the applicability of the existing theory and provide a basis for a deeper understanding and development of nursing interventions. By expanding the theory, a contribution to the theory dynamics in nursing and an advancement in nursing science for practice, research and teaching should be achieved. 

Dr. Jasmin Eppel-Meichlinger BScN MSc

Dr. Jasmin Eppel-Meichlinger BScN MSc

Scientific Staff (PostDoc)
Division of Nursing Science with focus on Person-centred Care Research

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Hanna Mayer

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Hanna Mayer

Head of
Division of Nursing Science with focus on Person-centred Care Research