Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Gesundheitsuni Krems, Advisory Board

Psychological student counselling

A cooperation with the Hilfswerk offers free psychological counselling for students of the KL.
This service is absolutely anonymous and confidential. The experienced Hilfswerk team provides counselling in all stressful life situations - from anxiety, homesickness, depression, exam nerves, eating disorders, violence to problems with the housing situation etc.
The counselling sessions are offered in German or English and take place alternately in presence at the KL or within the framework of telephone counselling. No pre-registration necessary! 
You can find the current consultation dates here.
Note: Students who have experienced discrimination can contact the Equal Opportunities Contact Point.

KL contact person for organisational questions:

The causes of psychological stress are manifold. In addition to the KL Psychological Student Counselling Service, there are other services that you can take advantage of in an emergency. 

  • ÖH Helpline: Helpline | Österreichische Hochschüler_innenschaft (Austrian Student Union) 
    The federal representation of the Austrian Student Union (ÖH) offers the project "ÖH-Helpline" in cooperation with the Association for Psychotherapy. 
    Counselling hours: Monday: 15:00-18:00, Wednesday: 16:00-18:00, Thursday: 16:00-18:00
    Tel.no.: 01/585 33 33
  • Psychotherapy Helpline: Psychotherapy Helpline | WLP
    Free crisis counselling. Psychotherapists support the population in cases of psychological stress.
    Tel.no.: 0720/12 00 12
  • Psychotherapeutic helpline: www.telefonseelsorge.at
    Telephone, e-mail and chat counselling for people in difficult life situations or times of crisis, daily 0 to 24 hours. 
    Tel.no.: 142
  • NÖ Krisentelefon: Crisis telephone - province of Lower Austria
    Psychosocial counselling for people in difficult life situations, daily 0 to 24 hrs. 
    Tel. no.: 0800/20 20 16
  • ON-SITE HELP: Crisis Intervention Centre Vienna: www.kriseninterventionszentrum.at
    Outpatient clinic for coping with acute psychosocial crises. Counselling by telephone, in person or by e-mail, Monday to Friday 10 am to 5 pm.
    Tel.: 01/4069595
Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Gesundheitsuni Krems, Kommission für Gleichstellung und Frauenförderung

Diversity at Karl Landsteiner University Krems

Equal opportunities for all - diversity management as a prerequisite for a modern private university.

Karl Landsteiner University (KL) strives to increase awareness of gender and diversity among students, faculty, researchers, and in the organisation and administration. Furthermore, it is a concern to develop a leading voice as an advocate for these issues in the public as well.