
STAT3 | D. Stoiber-Sakaguchi
Tuesday, 16. July 2024

The protein STAT3 helps the immune system to recognise leukemic cells. This interaction, which is important for future immunotherapies, is now understood in detail thanks to a study at the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (KL Krems). The study showed that STAT3 influences the formation of surface structures on leukemic cells that make them vulnerable to the immune system. If these structures are missing, leukemic cells can escape the body's innate immune surveillance. The expression of STAT3 in and the surface structures on leukemic cells could be a potential biomarker for future immunotherapies.


The growing use of smart control and monitoring tools in nursing increasingly decouples it from ethical and moral considerations - this is the core thesis of a now internationally published analysis by a researcher at Karl Landsteiner University for Health Sciences.


This is the result of a study with more than 27,000 participants from more than 45 countries, in which experiments according to Greene et al. (2009) were attempted to be replicated. On the part of Karl Landsteiner Private University, Prof. Stefan Stieger from the Department of Psychological Methodology and psychology student Jennifer Lenz were involved.


The application deadline for the Bachelor's degree programme in Medical Science, which is the first part of the Bologna-compliant medical degree programme, is still open until 24th April at 11:59 p.m.


A joint study by Ingrid Metzler of the Department of Bioethics and Ethics in Medicine at Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (KL) and Heidrun Ån of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology uses the Corona contact-tracking apps in Austria and Norway to highlight the role of technology in shaping health policy measures.

Gerald Obermair

Tracking Down The Brain’s Molecular Machine


Factors such as anemia and anticoagulants have more impact on hospitalization time after breast reconstruction than "common" risk factors. That is the outcome of a study carried out by the Karl Landsteiner Private University of Health Sciences in Krems (KL Krems) published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine.


Clinical researchers at Karl Landsteiner University Krems (Austria) evaluate novel diagnostic technique prospectively for the first time in Europe


Karl Landsteiner Private University of Health Sciences is dedicated to the preservation and restoration of health in teaching and research, we are therefore deeply shocked by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which is destroying thousands of lives.


Primarius Assoc. Prof. Dr. Christoph Aspöck 1965-2022


Simplified calculation model for tissue properties developed at Karl Landsteiner University for Health Sciences Krems (Austria)

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