
Giovanni Rubeis
Tuesday, 23. July 2024

On 3 June 2024, the first INTA symposium took place at the Linz campus of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria on the topic of "Technology in old age: possibilities and limits of AI and big data". Around 28 network partners from all over Austria took part in the event - including co-founder of INTA, Univ.-Prof. Dr phil. habil. Giovanni Rubeis, Head of the Division of Biomedical Ethics and Healthcare Ethics at KL Krems, as well as Dr Vera Gallistl and Katrin Lehner BA MA from the Division of Gerontology and Ageing Research at KL Krems.


Scientific prices for ICC Water & Health: Austrian Award For Microbiology and Hygiene 2018


What else is there left to discover in the field of anatomy? What is the best way to learn anatomy? These and other questions addressed Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Streicher in his inaugural lecture last week.


Four students ran at the 2nd Frauenlauf Grafenegg for KL University. Congratulations to all runners. Emma Persad was even ranked with the 1st place in her age group in the 10km-distance.


Several times during the university year the series „KL Talk“ features talks organised be KL students together with ÖH KL organise for all students at the university.


The project „Science goes School“ by the Lower Austrian Research And Education Society (NFB) acts as a go-between for science and secondary schools.


Springer Publishing House currently released a reprint of the book „Psychotherapy and Gender. Concepts. Research. Practical Appliance“ by Dr Brigitte Schigl, MSc.


The 12th CityRun Krems was very successful event for the KL Running Team! The team collected a lot of prices and celebrated extensively.


Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Stefan Stieger, Head of Division Psychological Methodology at the Department Psychology und Psychodynamics at KL University, was convened in the editorial board of Bio Med Central (BMC) Psychology.


Karl Landsteiner Private University and Psychosomatic Center Eggenburg seal research deal – Lower Austrian province government founds Chair for Clinical Psychology


From 8-10 March 2018 Cochrane Austria and KL University supported four students to participate at the Evidence based Medicine Congress in Graz. Together with 50 other students from Germany, Switzerland and Austria they were very successful in their project as part of the "Studierendentag".

Intercepting mental problems with games and apps


Within the 17. congress of the Austrian society for emergency and disasters medicine on the 16 and 17 October 2017 in Bad Hofgastein Katharina Tscherny was honoured with the second prize for her abstract on "Early identification of patients with a minimal risk of an acute coronary syndrome by triage-information and ECG".

Further information