
A. Witalisz-Siepracka | Leukämische Zellen (Grün) und Natürliche Killerzellen (Blau)
Tuesday, 16. July 2024

The protein STAT3 helps the immune system to recognise leukemic cells. This interaction, which is important for future immunotherapies, is now understood in detail thanks to a study at the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (KL Krems). The study showed that STAT3 influences the formation of surface structures on leukemic cells that make them vulnerable to the immune system. If these structures are missing, leukemic cells can escape the body's innate immune surveillance. The expression of STAT3 in and the surface structures on leukemic cells could be a potential biomarker for future immunotherapies.

Neues Netzwerk für Krebsforschung in NÖ

LH-Stv. Pernkopf: Drei neue Stiftungsprofessuren im Kampf gegen Krebs.

Gruppenbild von der Vertragsunterzeichnung

Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften und FH St. Pölten starten Kooperation.

Einfluss der Medien auf die Wahrnehmung von Autismus in der Öffentlichkeit

Mainstream media is often the first and sometimes the only source of information about mental health for many people. The portrayal of mental disorders can thus have a great influence on how public perceptions and thus stigmatisation of illnesses are influenced. At the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences, the experts at the Research Centre Transitional Psychiatry deal, among other things, with the question of how the topic of mental health is dealt with in media reporting. A recent study, which was also published in a renowned magazine, examined the portrayal of autism in the context of its stigmatising attribution.

Horizon Europe Projekt „ASP-belong“ gestartet

Together with partners from seven different European countries, private lecture Dr Beate Schrank, MSc PhD and Professor Dr Giovanni Rubeis are developing an app to promote the mental health of young people in the Horizon Europe Framework Programme. After the ErasmusPlus project Teaching To Be, ASP-belong is the next successfully acquired EU project for Karl Landsteiner University. In addition to the funding of scientific staff, KL will benefit from intensified networking in the European research community.

genetische Analyse von fortgeschrittenem und metastasierendem Gallenwegskarzinom

New recommendations on current best treatment options favor targeted therapies for specific genetic alterations in tumor cells.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Kolland

Wie leben ältere Menschen in Österreich und welche Ansprüche und Wünsche haben sie an ihr Wohnen? Das Kompetenzzentrum für Gerontologie und Gesundheitsforschung hat unter der Leitung von Herrn Prof. Dr. Franz Kolland eine repräsentative Befragung über Wohnbedürfnisse und zukünftige Wohnpräferenzen älterer Österreicher:innen (60+) durchgeführt. In Zusammenarbeit mit der SeneCura Gruppe wurde der „Wohnmonitor Alter“ im Frühjahr 2023 wiederholt und Veränderungen durch die vorherrschenden multiplen Krisen untersucht.

Jahrestagung des ICC Water & Health

On September 7-8, 2023, this year's annual meeting of the Inter-University Cooperation Center for Water and Health (ICC Water & Health) was held at KL, as it was last year.

Summer School - Person centred or evidence based

Von 28. bis 31. August 2023 fand an der Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften die Summerschool zum Thema „Person-Centred or Evidence-Based? Neue Wege in der (pflegebezogenen) Wirkungsforschung“ des Fachbereichs Pflegewissenschaft statt.


In collaboration with the KL Division of General and Family Medicine and the two Clinical Divisions of the KL University Hospital in Tull "Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine" and "Neurology", the new S1 guideline for the management of post-viral conditions was developed using the example of post-COVID-19. This updated and revised the previous recommendation on differential diagnosis and treatment strategy for Long Covid from 2021. In addition to providing information on the latest developments in drug therapy, the publication primarily serves as a reference work for practitioners and gives clear recommendations for action.

Prim. Clin. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petra Georg, MBA
Synaptische Übertragung und Plastizität in isolierten Neuronen - Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität Krems

Research Team at the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences develops novel protocol for studying isolated pairs of hippocampal neurons. Dedicated work honoured by cover page in Bio-protocol Journal.


The "FIT4YOUniversity" event is just around the corner and KL is once again involved as a project partner of IMC FH! Within the framework of workshops, young people between the ages of 14 and 19 will have the opportunity to get a taste of university life and experience science and research at first hand.

Further information