
STAT3 | D. Stoiber-Sakaguchi
Tuesday, 16. July 2024

The protein STAT3 helps the immune system to recognise leukemic cells. This interaction, which is important for future immunotherapies, is now understood in detail thanks to a study at the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (KL Krems). The study showed that STAT3 influences the formation of surface structures on leukemic cells that make them vulnerable to the immune system. If these structures are missing, leukemic cells can escape the body's innate immune surveillance. The expression of STAT3 in and the surface structures on leukemic cells could be a potential biomarker for future immunotherapies.

Walter Struhal

Research Is A Clinical Physician's Duty

Stefan Oberndorfer

Investigative Spirit Induces Quantum Leaps In Knowledge


Research into the psyche of young people between the ages of 15 and 25 is getting an innovative home ath the university hospital in Tulln. It follows the scientific work of the DOT research group.


Objective assessment of irregularities in a tumour’s shape provides a means to evaluate its aggressiveness more effectively prior to an operation. This was the key finding made by a team of physicians from Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems whose research focused on meningiomas, a form of tumour that affects the meningeal tissue in the brain.

Sonia Vallet

A Passion for Hospital and Laboratory

Franz Kolland

Archaea colonise extreme habitats, including the digestive tract of vertebrates. The different strains are specific to the host, researchers with the participation of the ICC Water & Health (KL, TU, MUW) have now shown.


The University Board of Karl Landsteiner Private University appointed Assoc. Prof. Dr. Manfred Wieser, MSc as Vice Rector for teaching at its 12th meeting on 13 th October.


In the auditorium Grafenegg on Monday evening the prestigious science prizes of the province of Lower Austria were awarded.


As the first doctoral student of the biomechanics division, Sarah-Jane Estermann recently completed her research project „Medi3DPrint“.

Andreas Reisinger
Sarah-Jane Estermann

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