
KL/S. Vrazalica
Thursday, 18. July 2024

Bereits zum 9. Mal war die KL als Projektpartnerin der IMC FH bei der Jungen Uni dabei.  Über 100 Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 10 und 13 Jahren nahmen am 11. Juli 2024 – dem „Gesundheitstag“ – am abwechslungsreichen Programm der KL teil und tauchten in die spannende Welt der Medizin und Psychologie ein.  

Zukunftsweisendes Buch erforscht die Ethik der Medizinischen KI: Umgestaltung von Praktiken, Beziehungen und Umgebungen

With his latest book "Ethics of Medical AI", Prof Dr Giovanni Rubeis is breaking new ground. This pioneering work is the first comprehensive examination of the ethical implications of AI technologies in the field of medicine.

Schüler:innen versuchen sich an Nahten und Blutabnahme an Modellen im Skills Lab

Schülerinnen und Schüler des Borg Krems erkunden medizinische Berufe während Nawi-Woche: Praktische Einblicke in die Welt der Medizin.

Hände mit Wasserprobe, Nahaufnahme

A global evaluation of more than 1,100 publications from the last 30 years demonstrates the successful use of DNA/RNA analysis to conduct scientific studies on hygienic water quality and safety based on faecal microbiological indicators and intestinal pathogens.


The incidence of radiation-induced contrast enhancement in healthy tissue following proton beam therapy of tumors in the central nervous system (CNS) is low. 

KL erhält Akkreditierung für PhD-Programm „Mental Health and Neuroscience“

Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems (KL Krems) has successfully received accreditation for its first PhD programme "Mental Health and Neuroscience". On 16 February 2024, the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation (AQ Austria) legally approved KL Krems' application to establish the doctoral programme. The University of Health in Lower Austria has thus set another key milestone in its academic study architecture.

Agnieszka Witalisz-Siepracka PhD

Enhancing the role of the innate immune system in cancer defence

Rektorat der TU zu Besuch an der KL

On Wednesday, 28 February 2024, the new University Management of the Vienna University of Technology visited the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems (KL Krems) for the first time.

One Water: Pouring water into glass on blue background

On the initiative of ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH, the kick-off event of the new annual event series "One Water" will take place on Campus Krems from 21 to 22 March.  

Bildung im Alter

As part of the "Future Workshop "Education in Old Age" on 27 February 2024, around 25 researchers and practitioners from the field of "Education in Old Age" met at the Karl Landsteiner University on Campus Krems under the direction of Dr Vera Gallistl from the Division of Gerontology and Health Research to discuss future challenges in this field.

Teddybär Krankenhaus KL Krems

Am 26. Februar 2024 waren wieder die „Teddy Docs“ im Teddybär Krankenhaus an der KL Krems im Einsatz, um mit den jungen Besucher:innen kuschelige Patientinnen und Patienten zu behandeln.

Symposion Dürnstein

The Symposium Dürnstein 2024  will be held on the topic of WHAT WILL WE EAT TOMORROW? Questions on the future of food from 14 to 16 March 2024 at Dürnstein Abbey / Wachau . As part of the panel discussion on the opening evening, DDr Elisabeth Fabian, resitent doctor at the Division of Internal Medicine 2 at Krems University Hospital and nutritionist, will discuss "Food security in Austria".

Porträt OA Dr. Gábor Rosta

We have a duty to provide care – today and in the future

Further information