
KL/S. Vrazalica
Thursday, 18. July 2024

Bereits zum 9. Mal war die KL als Projektpartnerin der IMC FH bei der Jungen Uni dabei.  Über 100 Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 10 und 13 Jahren nahmen am 11. Juli 2024 – dem „Gesundheitstag“ – am abwechslungsreichen Programm der KL teil und tauchten in die spannende Welt der Medizin und Psychologie ein.  

Mikrobiota in Warmwasserboilern: aus einem Wasserhahn fließt dampfendes Wasser

The Swiss-Austrian research team with the participation of the Division of Water Quality and Health at Karl Landsteiner University discovers specific microbial communities for each hot water boiler that are independent of the cold drinking water supplied. The work sheds light on an aspect of drinking water microbiology that has received little attention to date.

Accent Inkubator-Geschäftsführer Michael Moll, Landeshauptfrau Johanna Mikl-Leitner, die Preisträgerin Denisa Cont sowie Vizerektorin Viktoria Weber und tecnet equity-Geschäftsführerin Doris Agneter.

Denisa Cont, PhD student in the Department of Water Quality and Health (KL) and at the Centre for Biomedical Technology (UWK), was honoured with the tecnet/accent Innovation Award. 

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Giovanni Rubeis

Medical ethics: Exploring current issues in real time

Campus_Network:Diversity* - eine Initiative der KL, UWK und IMC

"Campus_Network:Diversity*" is a cooperation initiated in 2023 by gender equality experts from the University of Continuing Education Krems, Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences and IMC Krems.

Schulbesuch Piaristengymnasium - Schüler:innen stehen vor dem KL Gebäude, im Hintergrund das KL Logo

Knapp 100 Schüler:innen des Piaristengymnasiums verbrachten den letzten Tag vor den Weihnachtsferien an der KL.


Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (KL Krems) and St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences recently signed a cooperation agreement on interprofessional education in the health and social professions. Students from several degree programmes at both universities will work together on an interdisciplinary basis. Patients in particular will benefit from even better care in the future. Around 300 students have now started their first joint course as part of the cooperation at University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten.


Late line monoclonal antibody therapy for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer appears to be effective even in the presence of mutations in a proto-oncogene. Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences is an important study partner.

Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Dieter Pahr

Research — it’s (not) back-breaking work

Andreas Farnleitner übernimmt Vorsitz des neuen ÖAW-Ausschusses "Abwasserüberwachung"

Andreas Farnleitner, Head of the Division Water Quality and Health at KL Krems, is taking over the chairmanship of the new "Wastewater Monitoring" subcommittee at the "Österreichischen Wasser und Abfallwirtschaftsverband" (ÖWAV). 

Würdigungspreis BMBWF

Three researchers from Karl Landsteiner University were honoured with prestigious Young Researcher Awards in November 2023. 

BRG Ringstraße - Kooperation Psychologie

Im Rahmen der Kooperation mit dem BRG Ringstraße Krems fand Ende November für die Schüler:innen des Wahlpflichtfaches Psychologie ein Vortrag zum Thema "Stress und mentale Gesundheit" statt.

Logo Tag der Geschlechterforschung

The Day of Gender Studies will take place for the second time on 5 December 2023. It is organised by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research as part of the Gabriele Possanner Award to highlight achievements in the field of gender research at universities and research institutions.

To the pinboard of the Day of Gender Studies

Further information