
KL/S. Vrazalica
Thursday, 18. July 2024

Bereits zum 9. Mal war die KL als Projektpartnerin der IMC FH bei der Jungen Uni dabei.  Über 100 Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 10 und 13 Jahren nahmen am 11. Juli 2024 – dem „Gesundheitstag“ – am abwechslungsreichen Programm der KL teil und tauchten in die spannende Welt der Medizin und Psychologie ein.  


For the 98th time the International Women's Day will be celebrated on March 8th.


Researchers from Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna explain workings of placental transport systems; spotlight on mercury and iron.
The toxic heavy metal mercury can find its way into the blood of unborn babies through the placenta by “camouflaging” itself as an amino acid. This finding was the outcome of research carried out by a team from Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna. In contrast, little is known about placental transport of iron, an essential element that is often found in insufficient quantities in expectant mothers and their unborn foetuses. Based on the methods used and experience gained in the mercury study, the inter-university team is now looking at this transport process in a new project, which is also being supported by NÖ Forschungs- und Bildungsges.m.b.H. (NFB).


Gold Plus Standard for the KL - Already the second award within one year for the KL building.


New publication by Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Franz Kolland


The new year brought the start of the Division of Pharmacology with our Professor of Pharmacology, Dr. Dagmar Stoiber-Sakaguchi.


Golden Globe for Ben Wishaw, among others leading actor in the movie "Little Joe".


The Science Prize 2018 of the Medical Society of Lower Austria was awarded this year to Dr. Klaus Hackner of the University Hospital Krems, Department of Pulmology (Chairman: Prim. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Errhalt).


We wish you a Merry Christmas and great Christmas Holidays!


At the beginning of December we had the pleasure of welcoming our first exchange scientist within the framework of the Erasmus programme "Staff Mobility For Training" at KL University in the field of Water Quality and Health.


The project of the Piaristengymnasium "Re-use instead of throwing away" recently received active support from the Karl Landsteiner University.


Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner described Univ.-Prof. Dr. Herbert Frank as "outstanding physician" and "personality with international appeal". The "Great Golden Medal of Honor for Services to the Federal State of Lower Austria" was presented to Herbert Frank, the Head of the Department of Internal Medicine at the University Hospital Tulln on Friday, December 14, at the Palais Niederösterreich in Vienna's Herrengasse.


A novel compound against breast cancer improves the efficiancy of standard cancer treatment and shows superior tolerability in laboratory tests when compared to similar agents, setting the stage for its further clinical development. The mechanism of action of this compound is based upon the re-activation of naturally occurring “programmed” cell death or apoptosis, that is switched off by many cancer cells thereby leading to their uncontrolled proliferation. Results of this study have now been published by physician-scientists from the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences, Krems together with colleagues from the University of Heidelberg, Harvard Medical School, St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, the Huazhong University and others.

Further information