
KL/S. Vrazalica
Thursday, 18. July 2024

Bereits zum 9. Mal war die KL als Projektpartnerin der IMC FH bei der Jungen Uni dabei.  Über 100 Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 10 und 13 Jahren nahmen am 11. Juli 2024 – dem „Gesundheitstag“ – am abwechslungsreichen Programm der KL teil und tauchten in die spannende Welt der Medizin und Psychologie ein.  


For the 98th time the International Women's Day will be celebrated on March 8th.


Golden Globe for Ben Wishaw, among others leading actor in the movie "Little Joe".


We wish you a Merry Christmas and great Christmas Holidays!


The project of the Piaristengymnasium "Re-use instead of throwing away" recently received active support from the Karl Landsteiner University.


Last weekend, KL University opened its doors to interested students.


Today KL University celebrated its 5th anniversary with many celebrities in a festive ceremony.


Learning place with view over the roofs of Krems: For pupils of the Gartenbauschule Langenlois the practical lessons are temporarily transferred to the roof terrace of the KL.


A presentation of the Skills Labs at the Karl Landsteiner Private University Krems proved to be very interesting.


Since the beginning of this week, KL has been the location for filming. Jessica Hausner shoots her new film in international co-production with Great Britain and Germany at the KL premises.

The latest national and international media reports on dubious practices of some scientific publishers ("predatory publishing") give the impression that there is also a serious problem for Austria as a research location. However, this is not the case. All available data show that only a very small number of scientists in Austria, who are in the per mille range, are affected by such practices. In addition, the local and international scientific community addressed the phenomenon at an early stage and developed binding standards.


Help the Austrian Woman´s National Team of Flag Football to make the dream of the world champion come true!


Nursing Department Of University Hospital Krems Visiting KL
A group of members of the Nursing Department of University Hospital Krems recently visited KL. On their guided tour through the facilities they expressed special interest in details concerning studying and research at the university. Following the tour the head of the Division Nursing Science, Mag. Dr. Eleonore Kemetmüller gave a talk about her team´s area of expertise and led the group through an animated discussion accompanied by refreshments.

Further information