
Giovanni Rubeis
Tuesday, 23. July 2024

On 3 June 2024, the first INTA symposium took place at the Linz campus of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria on the topic of "Technology in old age: possibilities and limits of AI and big data". Around 28 network partners from all over Austria took part in the event - including co-founder of INTA, Univ.-Prof. Dr phil. habil. Giovanni Rubeis, Head of the Division of Biomedical Ethics and Healthcare Ethics at KL Krems, as well as Dr Vera Gallistl and Katrin Lehner BA MA from the Division of Gerontology and Ageing Research at KL Krems.

Campus_Network:Diversity* - eine Initiative der KL, UWK und IMC

"Campus_Network:Diversity*" is a cooperation initiated in 2023 by gender equality experts from the University of Continuing Education Krems, Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences and IMC Krems.

Schulbesuch Piaristengymnasium - Schüler:innen stehen vor dem KL Gebäude, im Hintergrund das KL Logo

Knapp 100 Schüler:innen des Piaristengymnasiums verbrachten den letzten Tag vor den Weihnachtsferien an der KL.


Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (KL Krems) and St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences recently signed a cooperation agreement on interprofessional education in the health and social professions. Students from several degree programmes at both universities will work together on an interdisciplinary basis. Patients in particular will benefit from even better care in the future. Around 300 students have now started their first joint course as part of the cooperation at University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten.

BRG Ringstraße - Kooperation Psychologie

Im Rahmen der Kooperation mit dem BRG Ringstraße Krems fand Ende November für die Schüler:innen des Wahlpflichtfaches Psychologie ein Vortrag zum Thema "Stress und mentale Gesundheit" statt.

Kamingespräch mit Mag.a. Sandra Gaupmann

Mag.a Sandra Gaupmann ist Leiterin des Psychologischen Dienstes der Justizanstalt Stein und berichtete am 29. November über die Arbeit von Psycholog:innen im Strafvollzug.

Gedenkfeier für Körperspender:innen

Am 20. November 2023 fand am Waldfriedhof in St.Pölten beim KL-Ehrengrab eine Gedenkfeier für Körperspender:innen mit musikalischer Begleitung vom KL-Orchester „Med-Musics“ statt.

Teddybär Krankenhaus KL Krems

Am 16. und 17. Oktober 2023 waren die „Teddy Docs“ im Teddybär Krankenhaus an der KL Krems wieder im Einsatz, um mit den jungen Besucher:innen kuschelige Patientinnen und Patienten zu behandeln.

Das emerKREMSy Team

On World Resuscitation Day, the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (KL) in Krems is launching an action plan to raise awareness about the importance of acute assistance in an emergency - with the aim of lowering the inhibition threshold for resuscitation measures and increasing the willingness to take the initiative. A central contribution to this has already been made since 2022 by emerKREMSy, the student association for emergency medicine at KL.

Gruppenbild von der Vertragsunterzeichnung

Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften und FH St. Pölten starten Kooperation.

Screenshot der Startseite der neuen Website der KL

After a two-year development and implementation phase, the new website of Karl Landsteiner University will go online on June 13, 2023. 


In the presence of Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner, the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems (KL Krems) celebrated its 10th founding anniversary on Friday, May 12, 2023, together with around 200 guests from education, science, healthcare, politics and business. During the event, former Governor Erwin Pröll was awarded the dignity of Honorary Senator of KL Krems for his services to the foundation and development of the university.


The application for the certificate course for "Allergology and Clinical Immunology" is open until the end of october 2022. The certifcate course offers colleagues interested in allergology a postgraduate theoretical and practical training on academic basis.

Further information