
STAT3 | D. Stoiber-Sakaguchi
Tuesday, 16. July 2024

The protein STAT3 helps the immune system to recognise leukemic cells. This interaction, which is important for future immunotherapies, is now understood in detail thanks to a study at the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (KL Krems). The study showed that STAT3 influences the formation of surface structures on leukemic cells that make them vulnerable to the immune system. If these structures are missing, leukemic cells can escape the body's innate immune surveillance. The expression of STAT3 in and the surface structures on leukemic cells could be a potential biomarker for future immunotherapies.


Nausea, spinning sensation, tinnitus and hearing loss - the so-called Ménière's disease can really throw you off course. Cause is a short-term change in hydrostatic pressure in the inner ear.


On 20.06.2018 the head of the nursing science department, Dr. Eleonore Kemetmüller and her team, welcomed the working group (ARGE) of the nursing service management of the Lower Austrian regional and university clinics at the Karl Landsteiner Private University.


Three ear operations were transmitted live from the University Hospital St.Pölten to the KL Auditorium on the occasion of the 14th ENT Danube Symposium.


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Start of the KL talk series "Gesundheitsperspektiven" with a panel discussion about gender medicine.


Springer Publishing House currently released a reprint of the book „Psychotherapy and Gender. Concepts. Research. Practical Appliance“ by Dr Brigitte Schigl, MSc.


Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Stefan Stieger, Head of Division Psychological Methodology at the Department Psychology und Psychodynamics at KL University, was convened in the editorial board of Bio Med Central (BMC) Psychology.


Karl Landsteiner Private University and Psychosomatic Center Eggenburg seal research deal – Lower Austrian province government founds Chair for Clinical Psychology


Case Report by Franz Marhold and team from St. Pölten University Hospital in Acta Neurochirurgica

Further information