• Research blog
Tuesday, 03. September 2024

Power modulation spectrum

A promising approach for the indispensable quality control of electrocardiogram signals from monitoring units for the detection of autonomic dysfunction

Recent publication


Dr Elisaebth Olbert from the Division of Neurology at Tulln University Hospital has introduced a new index for assessing the quality of electrocardiogram (ECG) data. ECG data is used to evaluate the autonomic nervous system,whereby the quality of the data is a prerequisite for its usability. In order to optimise the quality assessment of large amounts of data, the ‘peak-distance quality index PDQI’ was developed as an automatic quality parameter based on 1000 real-life ECG data from the University Hospital. Thanks to open access funding from KL, the study has been published freely in the Journal of the Neurological Sciences. The work was produced as part of Dr Olbert´s Research Time Out, a funding instrument of the KL's Forschungsimpulse package.

Olbert, E, Teuschl, Y, Mahringer, C & Struhal, W 2024, 'Power modulation spectrum - a promising approach for the indispensable quality control of electrocardiogram signals from monitoring units for the detection of autonomic dysfunction', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, vol. 465, 123170, pp. 123170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jns.2024.123170

Prim. Assoc. Prof. PD Dr. Walter Struhal MSc FEAN

Division of Neurology (University Hospital Tulln)

Elisabeth Olbert, Neurologist

Research focus on real-world data

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Walter Struhal, Neurologist

Research Is A Clinical Physician's Duty

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