• Research blog
Monday, 11. September 2023

Network topology in brain tumor patients

... with and without structural epilepsy: a prospective MEG study


Recent publication

Neurosurgeons from St. Pölten University Hospital, together with Austrian and German researchers from other institutions, studied the network structure of the brain in patients with brain tumours or metastases and compared them with healthy control subjects. They also divided the study group into people with and without tumour-related epilepsy. The analysis of the 41 patients shows partially significant results and indicates that brain tumours change the network topology. The work, funded by Austrian Cancer Aid, was published in open access in the journal Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders and shows that there is still much to learn about the impact of tumours on the brain's functional network. The exact mechanisms for the altered topology and cancer-induced epilepsy are not yet clear.

Ladisich B, Rampp S, Trinka E, Weisz N, Schwartz C, Kraus T et al. Network topology in brain tumor patients with and without structural epilepsy: a prospective MEG study. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders. 2023 Aug 23;16:17562864231190298. doi: 10.1177/17562864231190298

Prim. Assoc. Prof. PD Dr. Camillo Sherif

Division of Neurosurgery (University Hospital St. Pölten)