• Research blog
Tuesday, 03. September 2024

Fate and transport of fragmented and spherical microplastics

... in saturated gravel and quartz sand

Recent publication


Researchers from the Interuniversity Cooperation Centre (ICC) Water and Health have simulated and investigated the spread of microplastics in the soil in the laboratory. Knowledge about the pervasiveness of microplastic particles of different sizes and shapes and in different soils is important for assessing the risk of groundwater contamination. The study was funded by the Asutrian Science Fund as part of the ViWa2020+ project. Assoc. Prof. Dr Andreas Kirschner from the Division of Water Quality and Health was part of the research team. 

Ameen, A, Stevenson, ME, Kirschner, AKT, Jakwerth, S, Derx, J & Blaschke, AP 2024, 'Fate and transport of fragmented and spherical microplastics in saturated gravel and quartz sand', Journal of Environmental Quality. https://doi.org/10.1002/jeq2.20618

Assoc. Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Alexander Kirschner

Assoc. Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Alexander Kirschner

Scientific Staff (Sen. PostDoc)
Division of Water Quality and Health