• Research blog
Wednesday, 30. August 2023

ESMira: A decentralized open-source application

... for collecting experience sampling data


Recent publication

David Lewetz, MSc and Professor and private lecturer Dr Stefan Stieger presented the application "ESMira" in their publication in the journal "Behavior Research Methods". The open-source app has been developed by the Division of Psychological Methods specifically for scientific data collection since 2019. It can be used by researchers independently while retaining full control over data use. No programming knowledge is required, and the settings can be easily adapted to one's own study design. The publication deals on the one hand with the development of the app and on the other hand describes the basic functions and possibilities of the application. The researchers of the Division of Psychological Methodology have thus developed software that can not only be used for their own studies but also make their work available to the entire scientific community free of charge to enable simple and comprehensive data collection.

Lewetz D, Stieger S. ESMira: A decentralized open-source application for collecting experience sampling data. Behavior Research Methods. 2023 Aug 21. Epub 2023 Aug 21. doi: 10.3758/s13428-023-02194-2

David Lewetz MSc

Programmer, Division Psychological Methodology

Univ.-Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Stefan Stieger

Univ.-Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Stefan Stieger

Head of
Division of Psychological Methodology