• Research blog
Monday, 13. May 2024

Digitale Bildung und digitale Praxis im Alter

Recent publication

Prof. Dr Franz Kolland, Rebekka Rohner, BA MA and Dr Vera Gallistl-Kassing, BA MA work at the Division of Gerontology and Health Research at KL and have published a new book with Barbara Budrich Publisher. "Digitale Bildung und digitale Praxis im Alter" (Digital education and digital practice in old age) deals with the importance of the digital in old age, focusing on current digital practice and digital learning in old age. It sheds light on the exclusion and participation of older adults in digital life and provides an outlook on ageing in digitalised societies.

Kolland, F, Rohner, R & Gallistl, V 2024, Digitale Bildung und digitale Praxis im ALter: Neue Teilhabemöglichkeiten für ein langes Leben. Verlag Barbara Budrich, Opladen, Berlin, Toronto.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Kolland

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Kolland

Head of
Division of Gerontology and Health Research

Rebekka Rohner BA MA

Rebekka Rohner BA MA

Scientific Staff (PreDoc)
Division of Gerontology and Health Research

Dr. Vera Gallistl-Kassing BA MA

Dr. Vera Gallistl-Kassing BA MA

Scientific Staff (PostDoc)
Division of Gerontology and Health Research