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Wednesday, 17. July 2024

Brain Health ist auch Mental Health

Recent publication

Primar Professor Dr Martin Aigner writes about the connection between brain health and mental health in the current special issue of the journal "neurologisch - Fachzeitschrift für Neurologie" . He explains the history of the various concepts for the development and justification of "mental illness" from different perspectives and angles. None of these levels should be neglected, but must be considered together and interdependently. These complex relationships are also reflected in the WHO's new ICD11 classification of psychiatric disorders.

Aigner, M 2024, 'Brain Health ist auch Mental Health', neurologisch - Fachmagazin für Neurologie, S. 15-18.

Prim. Assoc. Prof. PD Dr. Martin Aigner

Division of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine (University Hospital Tulln)

Martin Aigner, Specialist in Psychiatry, Neurology and Psychotherapeutic Medicine

“Investing in transitional psychiatry and putting sustainable structures in place”

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