Medizin, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, ohne NC, Krems, Skills Lab

Skills Lab

Practice for practice: With the move to the KL building, the KL Skills Lab was put into operation in 2016. The general goal was and is to enable students to acquire the basics of clinical knowledge and skills early in their studies and thus optimally prepare them for their first clinical clerkship and their later everyday life in medicine.KL's Skills Lab houses specially equipped practice rooms where trainee doctors can learn clinical skills and practise them independently before applying them on patients. Various models, practice programmes and acting patients are available for this purpose.

  • In the procedure room, students can learn and practise practical skills in a larger group and with the support of teachers or tutors.
  • In 8 examination/treatment rooms, prospective doctors learn and deepen practical skills and hand movements with the help of models.

The Skills Lab is freely accessible during opening hours and offers an open learning atmosphere and thus the chance to experience self-confidence and routine in self-study. This simulation learning increases the efficiency of the patient learning phase because students are better prepared for patient contact.

Active support in the implementation of practical courses is provided by Sono4You-Krems tutors, among others.

You can find more details on the Sono4You website.

Scientific management

Dr. Sophie Schober MSc

Dr. Sophie Schober MSc

Scientific Staff (PostDoc), Head of Skills Lab
Master's Programme Human Medicine

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Ass. Prof. Dr. Michael Schmidts MME

Ass. Prof. Dr. Michael Schmidts MME

Head of
Education Unit

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Manfred Wieser MSc, MME

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Manfred Wieser MSc, MME

Vice Rector for Education, Study Programme Director
Master's Programme Human Medicine, Management Board

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Room bookings can be made directly via the KL ( Alternatively, courses are offered by the ÖH and the Sono4You group.

Contact details of the ÖH:
ÖH Website

Contact details of the Sono4You group:
Sono4You Website

iSLS 2024

21. March 2024

09:00 - 17:00
ISLS 2024 - International Skills Lab Symposium

Vom 21.-23.3.2024 dreht sich bei unserem wissenschaftlichen Kongress alles um die Vermittlung der unterschiedlichsten Fertigkeiten in der Medizin. Wir, das Team des KL Skills Labs, stecken bereits mitten in den Vorbereitungen und freuen uns auf einen regen Austausch mit Ihnen im März 2024.

Präsymposium Do, 21.3.2024
Symposium Fr, 22.3.- Sa, 23.3.2024

Für Anfragen:

Weitere Infos zum Programm und zur Anmeldung bzw. Einreichung folgen in Kürze.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!

Further information for download

Learn more about the Karl Landsteiner Private University for Health Sciences here.