• Research blog
Friday, 20. September 2024

State of the art treatment with Impella® in cardiac surgery in Austria

Recent publication


Impella 5.5® is a cardiac support device used during heart surgery for certain conditions. The safety and effectiveness of the Impella 5.5® heart pump has been investigated in studies and its use is being adopted in various treatment guidelines. Experts from Austrian hospitals have commented on the use and relevance of the Impella 5.5® heart pump in an article in the Central European Journal of Medicine. Prof. Dr Dominik Wiedemann, Head of the Division of Cardiac Surgery at the KL University Hospital St. Pölten, is the lead author of the article, which is freely accessible thanks to the open access funding of the KL.

Wiedemann, D, Dumfarth, J, Zierer, AF & Zimpfer, D 2024, 'State of the art treatment with Impella® in cardiac surgery in Austria', Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift. The Central European Journal of Medicine, vol. 136, no. Suppl 11, pp. 501-505. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00508-024-02408-3

Prim. Assoc. Prof. PD Dr. Dominik Wiedemann

Division of Cardiosurgery (University Hospital St. Pölten)